Thursday, 19 December 2013

Shades of the Departed Magazine: Toys

Shades of the Departed Magazine: Toys Issue

The latest issue of Shades of the Departed Magazine is out, and I'm very pleased to have a contribution of mine included, covering the subject of toys used as studio props.

Shades of the Departed Magazine: Toys Issue
Watch The Birdie
Toys Used As Accessories In Photographic Studios

Shades of the Departed is a free digital online magazine catering for those with a fascination for old photographs. The brainchild and creation of footnoteMaven, who has blogged about old photos since 2007 the magazine first appeared in November 2009. Fourteen issues since then have covered a wide range of themes, from weighty matters such as the Civil War and politics through lighter topics such as the Wild West, occupational and wedding photographs to the downright morbid with Memento Mori. Back issues are available at the Shades Of The Departed Archive.

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Contributers in this edition include fM herself and well known geneabloggers Sheri Fenley, Denise Levenick, Craig Manson, Denise Barrett Olson, Caroline Pointer, Janine Smith and Maureen Taylor. I'm honoured to be in such illustrious company and look forward to reading the articles myself.


  1. what a sweet image! toys do seem to help when photographing children.

  2. I will be back. This is a fascinating magazine!

  3. Thanks again for introducing us to this magazine and your contribution.

    1. A pleasure Little Nell. The archive is well worth spending some time looking at, as there are a lot of very useful and fascinating articles and images.


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