This cabinet card portrait of a young man is inscribed in the reverse with the words, "Young chap Hay killed in Jamaica." Although the writing has been done in ball point pen, which could not have been in the period the portrait was taken, it appears to have been written over an earlier pencilled inscription which may have been more contemporary with the image. The photograph was an auction purchase, and its provenance is unknown, therefore providing no clues as to the identity of young Mr Hay.

The design on the reverse is typical of those being produced and used in the mid- to late 1890s. The Auckland City Library's Photographers Database states that the Grand Photo Gallery and Parlors opened in Princes Street, Dunedin 17 March 1890. I would guess that the portrait was taken around 1893-1898. The young man looks to be around 17-20 years old, so I estimate that he was born c. 1873-1881. If anyone has a family member named Hay, born around this time, who died in Jamaica, I would like to hear from you. (Email)
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